About us
We study the cognitive and neural basis of spoken language processing using behavioral, eye-tracking, neuropsychological, and computational modeling methods. Our lab homepage has more information about our current research, including a complete list of publications. Along the way, we've developed various tools for doing this kind of research -- this page is part of our effort to share those tools.
Github repos and gists
- gazeR: functions for reading and pre-processing eye-tracking data. Includes example data sets and helper functions for GCA.
- SVR-LSM: multivariate lesion-symptom mapping using support vector regression.
- cFWER: a standalone function for continuous FWER, also implemented in LESYMAP package for lesion-symptom mapping.
- Using community detection analysis for clustering: repo, related RPub.
- Word-Stim-Tool: an R function for looking up lexical properties like word frequency, length, and number of neighbors.
- psy811: example data files and helper functions for PSY 811: Multilevel Regression.
- Growth curve analysis workshops
- Eye-tracking analysis workshop (January 2019): Slides from a two-day eye-tracking analysis workshop intended to provide a hands-on introduction to data wrangling, pre-processing eye-tracking data, and using GCA to analyze eye-tracking data.
- FAex.Rdata: Factor analysis example. Contains factor loadings for 17 measures and pairwise correlations among the measures.
- Intro to research synthesis
- Part 1: Systematic review (by Dan Mirman)
- Part 2: Meta-analysis (by Aja Murray)